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ال الكودي كمــان وكمــان
عزيزي الزائر نتمني ان تكون في افضل حال أهلآ ومرحبآ بك معنا (الرجاء التسجيل)
ال الكودي كمــان وكمــان
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

ال الكودي كمــان وكمــان

أتحاد عائلة الكودي
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 حصريا:: متصفح مايكروسوفت العملاق Internet Explorer 9 9.8006.6000 Platform Preview 6 في اصدار جديد متوافق مع السفن والفيستا

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
mustafa kman

mustafa kman

عدد المساهمات : 56
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/10/2010

حصريا:: متصفح مايكروسوفت العملاق Internet Explorer 9 9.8006.6000 Platform Preview 6 في اصدار جديد متوافق مع السفن والفيستا Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: حصريا:: متصفح مايكروسوفت العملاق Internet Explorer 9 9.8006.6000 Platform Preview 6 في اصدار جديد متوافق مع السفن والفيستا   حصريا:: متصفح مايكروسوفت العملاق Internet Explorer 9 9.8006.6000 Platform Preview 6 في اصدار جديد متوافق مع السفن والفيستا I_icon_minitimeالسبت أكتوبر 30, 2010 2:59 am

Internet Explorer 9 9.8006.6000 Platform Preview 6

حصريا:: متصفح مايكروسوفت العملاق Internet Explorer 9 9.8006.6000 Platform Preview 6 في اصدار جديد متوافق مع السفن والفيستا Explorer

[size=16]المتصفح الاول والعملاق في مجال استعراض صفحات الويب بلا منافس لما له من مميزات جعلته المحبب لدي الملايين رغم وجود الكثير من المتصفحات الاخري وها هو اليوم في احدث واخر اصداراته وهو خاص بيندوز سفن وفيستا ولا يصلح لاكس بي

The Platform Preview is an early look at the Internet Explorer 9 platform so some features are incomplete, some may change, and some may be added.
Microsoft asks that you refrain from providing feedback on features where noted that they are either partially implemented or not available. Microsoft is aware of their condition and will provide updates in future releases. Similarly, for known issues, Microsoft is also aware of their existence and are actively working on them.


• Hardware-accelerated text, video, and graphics: The new graphic capabilities and improved performance in Internet Explorer 9 set the stage for immersive and rich experiences.
• New Tab page: Internet Explorer 9 surfaces the websites you love most and puts them one click away. Once you're in the browser, the New Tab page helps get you started browsing quickly, providing meaningful suggestions and information to help you decide what to do next as you browse.
• Notification Bar: Notifications in Internet Explorer 9 allow for more fluid and faster browsing. Instead of dialog boxes popping up unexpectedly and getting in your way, all notification messages are consolidated in the Notification Bar, located at the bottom of the browser frame.
• Pinned Sites: With Pinned Sites, you can get to your favorite sites directly from the Windows taskbar—without having to open Internet Explorer first.
• Tear-off tabs: Tear-off tabs make interacting with multiple sites fast and intuitive. You can rearrange tabs within Internet Explorer 9—just like you can rearrange icons in the taskbar in Windows 7—or you can open any tab in a new browser window by dragging that tab to your desktop.
• Focused on your websites: Designed based on what you use most, the navigational controls in Internet Explorer 9 are streamlined and simplified. The back button is larger, the address bar and search box are combined into one new address bar, and the multiple menus from previous versions of Internet Explorer are consolidated into a single menu.
• Cross-site scripting filter: Cross-site scripting attacks are a leading online threat. Their aim is to exploit vulnerabilities in the websites you visit. How do they work? By compromising legitimate websites with malicious content that can capture keystrokes and record your login information and password. If your login information and password is captured, your personal data could be compromised.
• Domain highlighting: One way to avoid deceptive websites is to know the address of the website you're intending to visit. With domain highlighting, Internet Explorer 9 lets you see the true web address at a glance by highlighting the domain name in the address bar, making it easier for you to identify the sites you visit.


17 ميجا

Internet Explorer 9 requires Windows 7 (x86 or x64) or Windows Vista SP2 (x86 or x64).













حصريا:: متصفح مايكروسوفت العملاق Internet Explorer 9 9.8006.6000 Platform Preview 6 في اصدار جديد متوافق مع السفن والفيستا Q1K90870

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حصريا:: متصفح مايكروسوفت العملاق Internet Explorer 9 9.8006.6000 Platform Preview 6 في اصدار جديد متوافق مع السفن والفيستا
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